How can I help? …
How can I help? …
There are many ways that you can help Nominate Paul Russell as the Conservative candidate for Sackville Preston Chezzetcook:
Join the Conservative Party of Canada by April 13
Paul needs your vote for the nomination.
To be eligible to vote you need to be a member of the Conservative Party of Canada by April 13 and you need to be living in the riding of Sackville Preston Chezzetcook.
We will let you know when and where the nomination meeting is (so far a date and location has not been set).
Click here to open a new browser tab and join the Conservative Party of Canada
If you would rather fill in a paper form and send in a cheque or money order then please e-mail us at or phone Paul directly at (902) 830-5043.
Make a donation to the nomination
All campaigns require help in the forms of Time, Talent, or Treasure, and this is no exception. We would appreciate your help with a financial contribution to Paul’s campaign. This will help us develop the campaign resources; keep us on the road so that we can meet more people; and allow us to hold events so that we can meet people in larger numbers.
Click on the button below to make an online donation through PayPal.
[wpedon id=”435″]If you would rather make an in-person donation then please contact Paul by e-mail or by phoning (902) 830-5043.
Please note that, since this is through the nomination period and not as part of the election, that this is not a taxable donation. This is a straight donation to the campaign.
Thanks for your help with Paul’s campaign.
Go door to door
Paul loves to meet new people.
We could really use your help going around your neighbourhood with Paul and getting the word out about the upcoming election, about the Conservatives, and about Paul.
If you are able and willing to go door to door with Paul then please e-mail him at or phone him at (902) 830-5043.
Host a gathering
Paul loves to meet new people across the riding.
Would you like to host a gathering at your home or at some other place? This can be from just a few people up to hundreds of people.
Please contact Paul directly by e-mail at or by phone at (902) 830-5043 to discuss the details.
Phone your neighbours, friends, and relatives
Word of mouth is so important in this campaign. We really appreciate the discussions that we have about what we can do to make our great country even better.
We would appreciate it if you are able to call your friends, neighbours, and family, and talk about the good things that Paul has done and will work on for the future of our community and our country.
Please contact us by e-mail at or by phone at (902) 830-5043 if you are able to help by phoning others.
Meet Paul for a coffee
Paul loves to meet new people, listen to their ideas and their concerns, and see how we can make our country an even better place.
If you would like to meet Paul, either on your own or with a few people, then please e-mail us at or phone Paul directly at (902) 830-5043.
We will be able to meet anywhere in or around the riding.